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Birinci Formu doldurduktan sonra ikinci formda yer alan temsili kuruluşa Cosmos Youth olarak işaretleyebilirsiniz. Proje'nin Türkiye katılımcıları Cosmos Youth tarafından seçilecektir.
Proje yeri: Münich, Almanya
Proje Tarihi: 29 Mart - 4 Nisan2024
Proje Türü: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange - Gençlik Değişimi
Son Başvuru Tarihi: 31 Ocak 2024
* Katılımcı Ülkesi: Türkiye
* Proje Türkiye'de yaşayan 18-30 yaş arası tüm gençlerin başvurusuna açıktır. (herhangi bir pasaport sahibi olma önceliği yoktur. Tüm pasaport sahipleri başvurabilir.)
⏳Deadline for application: 31st of January 2024
What is the PEACE IS NOT FOR GRANTED! project about? ☮
Peace is not for Granted project is an initiative dedicated to creating a world free from discrimination, fostering empathy, and promoting a peaceful coexistence among one another. The focus of the project is to equip young people with knowledge and skills of essential concepts to be acquainted with deconstructing pre-racist assumptions such as peace, non-violent communication, active listening, and human rights. By empowering them with essential competencies such as tolerance, respect, compassion, and reconciliation, the project aims to transform young minds into inclusive individuals who actively contribute to peacebuilding.
For this, this project is designed to create a safe space for participants to explore the impact of stereotypes and prejudices in their local communities and also to share their opinions with others while contributing to the development of more open-minded societies. This project is designed to not only raise awareness but also to inspire and empower each participant to become a proactive ambassador for peace. Participants will enhance their abilities to advocate for inclusion by utilizing intercultural learning and non-formal education.
AIM of this project is to “equip 41 young people from 8 countries with knowledge and competencies to recognise and deconstruct stereotypes and prejudices and raise awareness and empower them to take a stand and become ambassadors for peace”.
-To equip young individuals with knowledge of stereotypes & prejudices concepts and skills for deconstructing pre-assumptions through non-formal learning-To develop skills and attitudes of young people on the tools for peacebuilding such as non-violent communication, active listening, and human rights-To cultivate a deeper understanding of the importance of peace and how stereotypes & prejudices affect different communities-To raise awareness of diversity, inclusion and respect for different cultures-To strengthen open-minded attitude, European values, and intercultural awareness and dialogue-To encourage and stimulate active citizenship and cooperation between young individuals coming from different countries and engagement by building networks on local and international levels-To foster participants’ skills and abilities in critical thinking, self-reflecting and problem-solving, and social competencies such as tolerance and empathy
Cosmos Youth Ekibi
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