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Cosmos Youth İspanya Katalonya Proje Katılımcı Çağrısı

Proje Adı: New myths

Proje Tarihi: 21-28 june 2024

Proje Yeri: Catalan Pyrenees, Spain

*Bu projede koordinatör kurum, vize masraflarının karşılanmayacağını belirtti. Projede gidiş-dönüş uçak biletleri, konaklama ve proje süresince 3 öğün yemek masrafları karşılanacaktır.

*Bu projede yemekler vejetaryan olarak sunulacaktır.

Başvuru Linki: Başvuru formunda Türkiye katılımcıları için gönderici kuruluş kısmına Cosmos Youth'u seçmeniz gerekiyor. Aksi takdirde başvurunuz yapılmamış olarak kabul edilecektir.

New Myths is a 6 days (+2 travel days) Training Course for 24 youth workers of 12 countries from Europe and abroad. There is an essential connection between mythology and identity that facilitates our understanding of personal, social spiritual realities.  The project aims to deepen in this inter-relation by approaching myths and heroe’s journey, using narrative and oral techniques, mindfulness, movement, ceremonies in nature and group dynamics. For this, participants will be compelled to explore local or nationals myths, giving them a new meaning. The theory and methods used in the pieces of training will allow them to build up new approaches to social and collective identity for working with youngsters.

Our tools

  • Narrative and Storytelling Techniques

  • A theoretical and Empirical Approach to the current importance of old and new myths

  • Mindfulness

  • Authentic movement

  • Non Violent Communication

  • Nature-based ceremonies and rituals

  • Group dynamics.

  • Community work and living.

The venue

Participants will be hosted in rooms shared in between 2, 4 or 10 people, according to age and gender.

Though the place is marvelous, it is old and fancy,  so are the conditions of the rooms and bathrooms. 

All the food will be vegetarian. Allergies and intolerance must be mentioned in the application form. Breakfast will be served at 08:30, lunch at 14h and dinner at 20:30h. 

Sanillés is an old-spa nurtured with natural hot spots by the river and surrounded by forest and mountains. Participants must be able to work outdoors. 


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